Under the project lead of Greenstat AS, KONGSTEIN´s engineers contributed to a joint report “Optimal utnyttelse av energi fra havvind i Sørlige Nordsjø II: Offshore H2-produksjon og kabel til land” with technical note on offshore hydrogen and ammonia transportation.
The report aimed to explore the optimal use of energy from offshore wind power in the Sørlige Nordsjø II area. Sørlige Nordsjø II and Utsira Nord are the two areas in the North Sea that were in 2020 opened by the Norwegian government for offshore energy production, including offshore wind power. Together, the areas allow for capacity of 4 500 MW of wind power. The characteristics of Sørlige Nordsjø II area make it possible to combine offshore wind energy production with hydrogen production.
KONGSTEIN provided a comprehensive examination of hydrogen derivates assessing their advantages and disadvantages in light of offshore production. Further, KONGSTEIN’s contribution to the main report focused on transportation vessel characteristics, loading and unloading arrangements, offshore bunkering and risks assessment.
You can find more information about the project and read the report here:
https://greenstat.no/hvaskjer/rapport-om-optimal-utnyttelse-av-energi-fra-havvind-offshore-h2-produksjon-og-kabel-til-land (in Norwegian).
Photo from Greenstat.no