KONGSTEIN’s ISO 9001:2015 Certification Achieved

We are pleased to announce that since January 2020 our quality management system is ISO 9001:2015 certified! We are very proud of our team for this huge, company-wide achievement.  We look forward to providing and continually improving our highest quality services for our Clients across the offshore renewables and maritime industries. 

Floating INsight 1.0 in Oslo: Thank You to all Speakers and Participants!

On March 9, 2020, KONGSTEIN, together with CoreMarine, had the pleasure to welcome over 60 guests at the Floating INsight 1.0, the first after work event for professionals in Floating Wind and Maritime industries in Oslo.   The beautiful premises of WeWork Oslo provided great backdrop for presentations on technology developments that will enable large-scale floating offshore wind farms. A big thank you […]